ACF’s SEDI team recently launched an Alumni Chapter in order
to provide support to SEDI students - even after placement. This initiative was
conceptualized to provide additional support to SEDI alumni who are placed
outside their own geographies, by creating a community of alumni’s in the area.
The SEDI team noticed that the retention rate of the youth dropped when students were placed outside their hometowns. In 1-2 months, rural youth were seen leaving jobs and returning home due to homesickness - leaving the placement partners also in despair. During the nationwide lockdown it got even worse with students refusing to return to the jobs in the city. After a few meetings with SEDI Alumni from different regions, ACF realized that the main reason for dropout was due to a lack of support and friends - making the youth feel lonely and confused.
The Alumni Chapter was formed as a platform for all the
Alumni placed in the same region to connect and support one another. This group
of students become a force to feel included, create a bond, and also seek
future career opportunities. A Whatsapp group was created location wise, in
which updates are posted about students who are recently placed in the
location. The Alumni act as a social support system in settling them into their
accommodation, advising them on travel and transport and also introducing the
culture of the area.
At the Alumni Chapter launch event, placement partners and
other stakeholders, were invited - providing an opportunity for students to
seek better jobs and also get to meet other Alumni in the area. Senior Alumni
were also invited to talk about their experiences and how to overcome
challenges providing an elder pillar of support for Junior Alumni. Experts from
the field and also partners were invited as Chief Guests for the event -
providing insights and outlining expectations from the placed youth.
ACF’s SEDI team aims to organize such chapters in other
locations as well to strengthen the Alumni Network across locations.
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