OUR PRESENCE Chhattisgarh


Livelihoods in this area are dependent on agriculture, however, low average land holding farms and dependence on rainfed agriculture has meant low production. Farmers in this area maintain mixed farming system, but livestock management is not properly carried out. Women of this area are limited to their home, financially dependent on others and have minimal participation in village level decisions.


ACF is present across 273 villages of 6 districts in Chhattisgarh:

  1. Baloda Bazar - Bhatapara
  2. Raigarh
  3. Raipur
  4. Bilaspur
  5. Korba
  6. Surguja - Ambikapur

By repairing check dams and deepening ponds, we increase storage capacity and ensure water availability. To recharge groundwater, ACF promotes RRWHS, builds trenches, loose stone check dams, gabion and soak-pit structures. Lift irrigation, group borewells and check dams are used to tackle soil erosion, water scarcity and conservation. Additionally drinking water pipelines have been installed in villages. Micro-irrigation systems like drip and sprinkler irrigation are also promoted for the judicious use of water.


Check dams constructed


Farm ponds constructed

25 villages

With Drinking Water Pipelines


Soak pits




Micro irrigation


Lift Irrigation Systems


Group borewells installed

ACF introduced innovative approaches to agriculture involving women and package of practices to make farming a more profitable business for farmers. Farm mechanisation and implementation tools are promoted for enhanced efficiency. Modern techniques of agriculture such as SRI and Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) for Paddy, along with line sowing of wheat are promoted –Goat rearing is also introduced as alternate source of income.

22 farmers

Promotion of Sericulture


Drip irrigation systems installed

Rs. 3.6 Cr

worth goat asset for landless farmers



1546 households

Covered under Goat Rearing

150 Acres

Covered under Farm Bunds

ACF supports the formation and strengthening of Self-Help Groups in villages, providing a platform for gender integrate roles, income generation and tackling social issues. The focus is on building the capacity of women in various income-generating activities like detergents, sweet boxes, soap making, masala unit, or poultry. Training is also provided in business skills like running a shop or collective marketing. In Raigarh one Gram Sangathan has promoted a Kelo Rural Mart (Village Mart) to support income generation. ACF strengthens SHGs by providing training and helping them to function strongly as an institution.



80% SHGs

Income Generation Activities

3107 Women

Income Generation Activities


Village Organisations


Women’s Federation

Rs 5000-Rs 12000

Earning Per Month


Total members

Sakhis ensure basic health care and information at the village level, and referral of patients. They also tackle issues like lack of health awareness, home deliveries conducted by midwife, superstitions, anaemia, and high rates of neonatal and maternal deaths. Health camps for antenatal care, blood testing, detecting diabetes, anaemia and cataract surgery are coordinated. In Bhatapara, screening and awareness programs for truckers on HIV AIDS, Blood Sugar, Eye Check-Up and TB Awareness are held. Kitchen gardening is promoted to help families meet their nutritional requirements, and provide additional income.


Increased Institutional Delivery

40.10% to 4%

Reduced Neonatal Mortality Rate

52.63% to 2.41%

Reduced Infant Mortality Rate

24.45% to 4.83%

Still Birth Reduced

13 villages

‘Open Defecation Free’

Impactful CSR Award 2022

by Metropolis


population reached

Bhatapara, Rawan and Bilaspur are home to ACF’s Skill & Entrepreneurship Development Institutes. ACF’s skilling program trains local youth in varied skills including Retail, Hospitality, Masonry, Welding, Electrical, Beautician, and Heavy Metro Vehicle. Well-equipped labs, and course curriculums, are developed as per the NSDC norms and our focus is on placement of trainees in good quality jobs.


Trainees Trained


Female Trainees




Placement Rate



ACF Bhatapara is currently focusing on quality education through physical literacy, reading promotion and provision of infrastructure like the development of WASH facilities in schools. Teachers are being trained on physical literacy, reading promotion and WASH, Menstrual Hygiene Management and Physical hygiene. In Ambikapur, ACF provides basic infrastructure to schools for education development. Additionally, a Mini Science Lab has been established to promote STEM learning among children.

40 Schools

WASH Facilities

10 schools

Physical Literacy

2 schools

Reading Promotion

40 Schools

Infrastructure Development