WATER WATER Use & Efficiency

WATER Use & Efficiency

We create awareness and educate communities, farmers and organisations on better ways to use and manage water to ensure optimum efficiency

Improving water use efficiency

We increase water use efficiency of farmers by promoting micro and sprinkler irrigation.

Reducing Conveyance Losses

We help conserve water during conveyance by laying pipelines, and building and repairing irrigation channels.

Participatory Groundwater Management

Participatory ground water management is envisaged to make a significant step in groundwater management at grassroot level to enable the community and stakeholders to monitor and manage the ground water as common pool resources themselves.

Participatory Irrigation Management

Participatory Irrigation Management to ensure that irrigation water is distributed efficiently and equitably in the command area and that it is used efficiently through farmer’s involvement. Farmers organisations, like water user associations will take responsibility of water distribution and collection of user charges


24488 Ha

under micro irrigation till date

7.15 kms

irrigation channel

10.62 kms

pipeline laid


Lift Irrigation Systems


24488 Ha

under micro irrigation till date

7.15 kms

irrigation channel

10.62 kms

pipeline laid


Lift Irrigation Systems